• गोवा सरकार
    Government Of Goa
  • स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय
Tender Notice For "Supply of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Machine" for SGDH| Advertisement Admission to Certificate Training Course in ‘The Fundamentals in Abdomino Pelvic Ultrasonography| Prospectus "Certificate Training Course in ‘The Fundamentals in Abdomino Pelvic Ultrasonography"| Applications invited for Appointment of non-ex-officio members of the "Goa State Mental Health Authority"| Auxiliary Nurse And Midwife Prospectus 2024-25| M. SC. NURSING Prospectus 2024-25| Proposed Changes in M.Sc. NURSING Prospectus Academic Year 2024-25| Post Basic Diploma in Nursing Prospectus Academic Year 2024-25| Proposed Changes in Post Basic Diploma in Nursing Prospectus Academic Year 2024-25| List of Candidates for Written Test for "Matron & Staff Nurse" at the Institute of Nursing Education, Bambolim Goa.| List of Candidates for Written Test for "Medical Officer, Consultant & Anesthesia Technician" at the Institute of Nursing Education, Bambolim Goa.| Notice - As per the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act 2021 chapter III 15(1) - Noperson shall establish any clinic or bank......| Notifications for Appropriate Assisted Reproductive Technology and Surrogacy Authority. |

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