• गोवा सरकार
    Government Of Goa
  • स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय
Advertisement Admission to Certificate Training Course in ‘The Fundamentals in Abdomino Pelvic Ultrasonography| Prospectus "Certificate Training Course in ‘The Fundamentals in Abdomino Pelvic Ultrasonography"| Applications invited for Appointment of non-ex-officio members of the "Goa State Mental Health Authority"| Auxiliary Nurse And Midwife Prospectus 2024-25| M. SC. NURSING Prospectus 2024-25| Proposed Changes in M.Sc. NURSING Prospectus Academic Year 2024-25| Post Basic Diploma in Nursing Prospectus Academic Year 2024-25| Proposed Changes in Post Basic Diploma in Nursing Prospectus Academic Year 2024-25| List of Candidates for Written Test for "Matron & Staff Nurse" at the Institute of Nursing Education, Bambolim Goa.| List of Candidates for Written Test for "Medical Officer, Consultant & Anesthesia Technician" at the Institute of Nursing Education, Bambolim Goa.| Notice - As per the Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act 2021 chapter III 15(1) - Noperson shall establish any clinic or bank......| Notifications for Appropriate Assisted Reproductive Technology and Surrogacy Authority. |

Welcome To Directorate Of Health Services Goa

Government of Goa has attained the goal of " Health For All" by the year 2000 A.D. through its various health and medical care programmes. Goa is therefore considered as one of the best performing states in the matter of health & medical care. Directorate of Health Services (DHS) has an important role in the provision and administration of health services and in order to raise the quality, extend accountability and deliver the services fairly, effectively and courteously.

Important Personel

With access to 24 hour emergency assistance, you can continue to help others.