• गोवा सरकार
    Government Of Goa
  • स्वास्थ्य एवं परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय
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New Born Screening: New born screening for inborn errors of metabolism and congenital defects has been initiated in GMC, both District Hospitals, Sub District Hospitals and other delivery points in CHCs/PHCs from August 2018.
Universal Immunization Programme : Routine Immunization activities are carried out at all the sub-centres, PHCs, CHCs, SDHs & DHs on fixed days. In addition to this, outreach sessions are conducted to cover the high risk areas.

Pulse Polio Immunization Programme: Pulse Polio Immunization round is held in the State to administer oral polio vaccine dose for children less than five years of age in addition to the routine immunization. House to house mop up is also undertaken to administer polio drops for those children who missed on the specific day.

Observance of National Deworming Day – Bi-annual rounds of National De-warming Day are held through the platform of Schools & Anganwadi Centres. Children from pre-school & school age (1-19 years) are administered with a single dose of Albendazole tablet.

Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF): IDCF is being implemented each year during the monsoon season to prevent occurrence of deaths due to diarrhoea in U5 children. The program has shown significant progress in reaching U5 children, early treatment of diarrhoea with ORS & Zinc.

Mothers Absolute Affection (MAA) : MAA program focuses on promotion of breastfeeding and provision of counselling services for supporting breastfeeding through health system to achieve higher breastfeeding rates.

Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) : RBSK is a scheme whereby children in the age group of 0-18 years are screened for 4Ds Defects, Deficiencies, Diseases & Developmental Delays. Screening of children between 0-6 years is done twice a year in Anganwadis, primary schools, etc and once a year in School for children between 6- 18years. Children screened and identified with one of the 4Ds. are referred to the facilities for the treatment, and secondary/tertiary care.

District Early Intervention Centres (DEIC) : are located at North District Hospital and Hospicio Hospital, Margao (DEIC), where children identified with 4 Ds are managed by team of Pediatrician, Psychologist, Dentist, Optometrist, Physiotherapist & social worker. Children in the age group 0-18 years reach both the DEICs confirmed with one of 4 Ds receive secondary or tertiary care and are also referred out to higher centres for further management.


  • Infant mortality rate for Goa is 7 (SRS 2020 reference year 2018) per 1000 Live Birth. Preterm / prematurity, Low birth weight, Congenital anomalies, Birth asphyxia ,pneumonia ,neonatal infections are a few important causes of infant deaths in Goa
  • New born screening for inborn errors of metabolism and congenital defects has been initiated in GMC, both District Hospitals, Sub District Hospitals and other delivery points in CHCs/PHCs from August 2018. Since inception till June 2020, 20230 babies are screened out of which 83 are confirmed positive and managed. 
  • Pulse Polio Immunization Programme: For the year 2020, Pulse Polio Immunization  Programme was conducted in the State on 19th January 2020 and 1,19,013 children were administered oral polio vaccine dose for children less than five years of age in addition to the routine immunization.
  • Rotavirus Vaccine  is introduced in the Universal Immunization Programme on 25th July 2019.  From July 2019 to March 2020,   9,879 children are immunized.
  • Observance of National Deworming Day : Every year, bi-annual rounds of National De-worming Day are conducted through the platform of Schools & Anganwadi Centres, wherein all the pre-school & school age children (1-19 years) are administered with a single dose of Albendazole. For the year 2019-20. 

De-worming Day was conducted in targeted 1488 Govt./Govt. Aided schools, 302 private schools and 1447 anganwadi centres. 

NDD round of 8thAugust, 20193,59,843 (93%) children were de-wormed
NDD round of 10th February, 20203,59,305 (93%) children were de-wormed
  • Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK): For the year 2019-20, 5,16,221 children have been screened out of which 11,644 children have been identified with one of the 4Ds. of which 11,477  have been referred to the facilities for the treatment, and 6,977 children have received secondary/tertiary care. 
  • District Early Intervention Centres (DEIC): For the year 2019-20,   8,255 children in the age group 0-18 years reached DEIC, all children have been confirmed with 4 D’s,  of which 7,987 received secondary or tertiary care and 268 referred out to higher centres for further management.

                          Universal Immunization Programme:

Achievements for the year 2019-2020

IMMUNIZATIONTargetsAchievements Percentage
Vit K218911779181
Polio 218911900487
Pentavalent 3218911899886
Hep – B0218911643575
DPT (Booster)218912040793
OPV (Booster)218912039393
DPT – 5 years229862102696
TT – 10 years229862024089
TT – 16 years229861645672
Vitamin  A 1 –  9 doses                                            197022 133951 68
J.E. I218912049894
Rotavirus * 9879 

Source : HMIS

Note : * New Vaccine

Under this programme routine Immunization activities are carried out at all the sub centres, PHCs, CHCs, DHs, SDH on fixed days. In addition to this, outreach sessions are conducted once monthly to cover the high risk areas.

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